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Other Origin(s):Greek, Russian
Meaning:Hospitality; Welcoming; Guest; Stranger
The name Ksenia is a feminine name of Greek origin, meaning "hospitable" or "guest-friendship." It is derived from the Greek word "xenía," which emphasizes the concept of hospitality and welcoming others. This name is particularly popular in Eastern Europe, especially in Russia and Ukraine, and is also used in Slavic countries like Poland and Belarus. Ksenia is a variant of the name Xenia, which shares the same roots and meaning source.
Famous individuals named Ksenia include Ksenia Sobchak, a well-known Russian television presenter and political activist, and Ksenia Solo, a Latvian-Canadian actress recognized for her roles in television series such as "Lost Girl" and "Orphan Black."
For sibling names that complement Ksenia, consider names that share a similar cultural or phonetic background. Some suggestions include:
- For sisters: Anastasia, Natalia, or Tatiana
- For brothers: Alexei, Dmitri, or Nikolai
Names similar to Ksenia, either in sound or origin, include:
- Xenia: The original Greek form of the name, also meaning "hospitable."
- Oksana: A name of Ukrainian origin, often used in similar cultural contexts.
- Zenia: A variant that maintains the Greek roots and meaning.
These names share the same welcoming and friendly connotations, making them suitable alternatives or complements to Ksenia.
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